Amazing Grace Face Mask
Amazing Grace
Celebrate God’s grace with this “Amazing Grace” Face Mask. A hand-drawn, multicolor design of blooms and a peaceful dove surround the words “Amazing grace, how sweet the sound.” God’s grace is one of our greatest blessings, and worthy of sharing! Life is keeping us 6 feet apart right now, but we can still find ways to share the Good News — like this pretty breathable Face Mask.
2 Corinthians 13:14 says, “May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.” God asks us to extend grace to everyone, just as He does for us. Forgive freely, and you open room in your heart and life for God’s forgiveness for you, and for His love. Right now, in the midst of challenging times in our nation and the world, is an awesome time to practice extending grace to others.
Share the message of God’s infinite love, and the unearned forgiveness He offers, with others. God wants to know your friends, neighbors, and other members of your community, and a personal introduction to Jesus from you can make all the difference. Wearing a message of faith front and center makes you a walking billboard for the Lord everywhere you go. #AmazingGrace #2Corinthians
Kerusso® Adult Face Mask – Amazing Grace™
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